Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Day #21 - What a difference a day makes

I thought that I had managed to quit cigarettes but the urge got the better of me today and I smoked one. Just one but it was enough. After a couple of days abstinence I could really feel the physical effects that it was having on me - instant light headedness and a sort of jittery-ness that took a while to go away. I am going to try and avoid them in future but I am worried that I might end up letting my anger get the better of me. I must really look into the yoga thing.

A few years ago - quite a few years ago I was working in London at a music shop, it was hard work but it was great to connect with so many musicians and the best of it is that I made quite a few REALLY good friends. Of course, there were a few people that made things a bit taxing but in general I enjoyed my time there. One evening I was invited by some friends to come and jam with their band and the singer during their rehearsal. I explained that I was having a yoga class that evening and l might be a bit late We arranged a time for them to meet me because I did not know how to find the rehearsal studio and in spite of my reassurances the two guys that invited me said that they would meet me after my yoga class at the community centre where it was being held and we would walk over there. I brought my guitar and small amplifier with me to be ready for the off when the time came.

I remember how much I enjoyed the yoga class and how alive I felt when I walked out of the centre. The one thing that I do remember is one of the guys saying to me; "F*ck*ng hell Trigger*, you look incredible!!!" I didn't understand but I realised later that I had undergone some kind of temporary physical transformation within the space of just over an hour. Later at the studio I was totally on my game - playing without thinking almost. I couldn't believe it.

I am pretty sure that we can enter a zone where the mental blocks that occur when doing seemingly difficult things are rendered to an unconscious level. I am sure that one could relate to that. It is something that most of us should have experienced. The idea of doing yoga again is very appealing for the reasons I have explained already.

I don't know if it will be so easy as it was about 15 years since that time but if I can get around to it I WILL. I just need to get my van sorted first.

Today was a bit tiresome - I had to leave the house very early to attend to some business and didn't get back until late lunchtime. Owing to the rain that was in full effect I was compelled to sit in out of the weather and enjoy a light cool soda whilst waiting it out. It was pouring straight down in buckets - brutal weather altogether. I remarked to a friend that it was the kind of weather that could best be appreciated from inside a tent. I do hope that it improves. I also hope that Monsanto self destructs without taking the planet with it. It was St.Paul of Tarsus that said; "It is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil!" and we all know that money isn't that nutritious. Why are so many people hungry for it then?

I'd best sleep now dear reader. I am so tired. G'nite.

* a nickname that was bestowed upon me by the local kids when I was about 9 years old.