Friday, 10 May 2013

Day #2 - Onward into the blog!

I never thought that I would be able to say that I overslept again but last night, crikey. Ten hours straight, along with some interesting dreams. I used to have the radio on all night to be able to get a decent kip but stopped it a while back. I will hopefully be able to keep that up.

I am feeling pretty elated today - always a danger sign with Bipolar Disorder, the inevitable "black dog" usually follows but if I keep my momentum up I'll be ok. I started practicing Morse Code again and it actually went "ok" and not the disaster that I thought it would be. I got a few different programs for the computer and Android phone. Here are some links if anyone wants to try them.The first is for Windows...

And this chap Wolfgang has a bundle of cool stuff for the Android...

I would encourage anyone to get into radio - it is one of my favourite things and like you may have heard; "pictures are always better on the radio!" Anyway, enough of that for now.

The good night's sleep has thoroughly energized me - I ate a massive bowl of museli and yoghurt and had a decent cup of tea. I am ready to take on anything the day throws at me but as I have said, I must be careful. "Two swallows maketh a summer not" as the old saying goes. I am going to dash now dear reader as time is marching on (too many old adages today methinks!) and I need to suck the marrow out of the bones of the day. I hope that you have a good one too. To quote Prince; "Raise your hands for positivity y'all!"
