Friday, 24 August 2012

I don't know if this will be an easy ride. I lost my keys right outside my front door yesterday, I sent an email this morning and it was only after two more tries I managed to actually send the link that I wanted to. Last night sleeping - plenty of nightmares. My appetite though has stabilised instantly and I am glad about that. It would not be good for me to put on so much weight.

I still feel a bit scatty but it's ok. I'll manage. The interesting thing is that the previous two posts to this one are almost identical in content. I hope that my horse will understand that the rider is still pretty much in the storm, regardless of the extent of its' intensity. Yee-haw!

I would like to conclude by saying that it was only by the good nature of a passer by that I managed to find my keys - he handed them into the local police station. I hope my luck holds out.