A few weeks back, seven to be exact, I had something of an episode. It had been brewing for a while and I wasn't eating too well. The upshot was that the psychiatric team that dealt with me in the past - nearly a decade ago was the most recent trip - prescribed Mirtazipine to stabilise my moods. all it has done is increase my appetite by a factor of 5,000 and make me forgetful and VERY lethargic. I decided as of today to stop taking them.
Being forgetful is something that can happen to anyone BUT I'm talking about leaving the keys in my bike (twice), forgetting my gloves, forgetting to post mail, sending the same content in an email three times, looking around for something that is sitting right next to me and, most annoying of all is having ridden all the way across town to buy a plumbing component that I actually bought yesterday. Not good.
I am lucky to live near the sea so I have elected to start a series or early morning walks to make things better for my head. I need to get back on the horse good and proper and smash the walls of my depression. To quote Andy Warhol - "The most important thing is work!", so I guess I've got to do that and make it work.