Monday, 18 December 2017

Tempus Fugit


If you have read this blog in the past I am glad to be able to post again. THREE AND A HALF YEARS!!!! I stopped posting back in 2014 owing to a few personal problems and a greater level of responsibilities at home. I also was "warned" by an individual in a quite colourful way to halt the blog (in a roundabout sort of way). I have no desire to interact with this person and to be honest I felt a bit intimidated by them. What can I say, I'm a sensitive kind of guy.

I felt like I was being hassled or bullied to some extent. Backing off on the blog was a bad idea really but what really came home to me is that fear and apprehension are just the things a true bully thrives on. I am not backing off on something as ordinary as a personal blog just because of intimidating behaviour. Life is far too short to curtail an enjoyable pastime that has, in the past, been a great help for me. I have never set out to offend anyone whilst writing my blog and if someone gets offended then all I can put it down to is cognitive dissonance.

During the past three and a half years so much stuff has happened. My own health isn't what it was and my dear Mother has had more than her fair share of health problems. She is steering through it all though and I am pleased to say that she is in good spirits. We have had a few other difficulties from external sources but hopefully all of that is coming good.

This is just a quick post to say Hi! and that I intend to post with a greater frequency than has been the case for the past while. It is good to be back to share with folks, some of them may well be friends that I haven't met yet. Be well and happy and I will be back again soon.

Keep it Country! :-)